Keynote Talk 1
User Friendly WSN Development & Deployment with FLEXOR
Professor Silvia Giordano
University of Applied Science – SUPSI, Switzerland
Wireless sensor networks (WSNs) penetrated the market mainly as solutions for specific application scenarios. However, this strong specialization limits WSNs reuse both in terms of development as well as in terms of technical results: Every new application scenario requires a new design, development and validation, as well as management skills. This is frustrating for any WSNs user, developer or manager. To reverse this tendency and thus improve the quality of experience and user-friendliness in WSNs, we designed FLEXOR, a sustainable software architecture optimized to support the implementation, rapid prototyping, evaluation, and testing of wireless sensor network applications, that is platform independent and user-friendly. FLEXOR is designed to accommodate many different applications and services for wireless sensor networks and foster code re-usability and cross-platform component re-usability. FLEXOR offers high modularity, well defined interfaces, remote node management functionality as well as run-time module exchange. Finally, the introduction of a unifying way for WSNs development opens to a higher homogeneity and thus to more easy comparison among different solutions
Silvia Giordano is Professor at SUPSI, Switzerland. She holds a PhD from EPFL. She is in the directorate of the Institute of Systems for Informatics and Networking (ISIN), and head of the Networking Lab. Previously, she was on the faculty of the EPFL and of the University of Pisa. Since October 2001, she is also an associate researcher at CNR, Pisa. She is co-editor of the book “Mobile Ad Hoc Networking” (IEEE-Wiley 2004), and a new edition, with title “Mobile Ad Hoc Networking: the Cutting Edge Directions” should appear in 2013. She has published extensively on journals, magazines and conferences in the areas of quality of services, traffic control, wireless and mobile ad hoc networks. She is the series co-editor of the series on ad hoc and sensor networks of the IEEE Communication Magazine. She is an area editor of the Elsevier ComCom. She is also Editor of Ad Hoc & Sensor Wireless Networks journal, Ocpscience. She acted as general chair of PERCOM 2012, program chair of MASS 2011, program chair of AdHocNets 2011, keynote chair of PERCOM 2011, PhD. Forum chair of WoWMoM 2012-2010, PhD. Forum chair of MobiOpp 2010, general chair of WoWMoM 2009, program co-chair of IEEE PERCOM 2009, program co-chair of IEEE VTC-Fall 2008, IEEE MASS 2007, workshop chair of IEEE WOWMoM 2007, tutorial chair of MobiHoc 2006, general chair of IEEE WONS 2005, co-founder of IEEE Persens workshop, IEEE AOC workshop and ACM Mobihoc SANET workshop and is/was on the executive committee and TCP of several international conferences, and serves as reviewer on transactions and journals, as well as for several important conferences. Silvia Giordano is a senior member of IEEE Computer Society, ACM and IFIP WG 6.8. She is in the board of ACM N2Women community.
Keynote Talk 2
Adaptive Efficient Neighborhood Discovery Service in Mobile Ad-Hoc Networks
Professor David Simplot-Ryl
INRIA, France
In ad-hoc networks, most of protocols are based on knowledge of the so-called neighbors of the nodes. The neighborhood of a given node is the set of stations that can communicate with this node. The discovery of these neighbors is currently based of a "HELLO protocol" which sends a beacon at a given period. In this presentation, we will discuss about optimization of this family of protocols in order to obtain accurate neighborhood while minimizing energy consumption - e.g. number of messages. In particular, we will study solutions where the frequency of the beacons is dynamically adapted to the topology of the network by observing turn-over in the neighborhood tables or mobility predictions when geolocalization is available.
David Simplot-Ryl is a professor in computer science at Université Lille 1 - Sciences et Technologies currently on leave at Inria where he is director of the Inria Lille - Nord Europe research centre. He was nominated as a member of the Institut Universitaire de France (IUF) in 2009 and was scientific head of the Pops project-team (joint project of Inria, Université Lille1, and CNRS from 2004 to 2011), which is focused on small computing devices like smartcards, electronic tags and sensor networks. After a Ph.D. (1997) in theoretical computer science, he joined the Université Lille1 - Sciences et Technologies, where he is full professor since 2004. His research interests include sensor and mobile ad hoc networks, mobile and distributed computing, embedded operating systems, smart objects, and RFID technologies. He is involved in numerous international conferences and workshops (e.g., recently AdHocNets 2010-2011, IEEE MASS 2010-2011, IEEE INFOCOM 2011-2013, IEEE WoWMoM 2012), and editorial activities (e.g., special issues of IEEE Network and IEEE Communication Magazine, and Associate Editor of IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems). Together with his research group, he contributed to the implementation of SensLab sensor network platform, which led to the creation of FIT - Future Internet (of Things) - as part of the EquipEx program. In the Inria Lille - Nord Europe research centre, he served from 2008 to 2011 as scientific deputy in charge of the development and evaluation of research activities of the research centre. In particular, he is involved in regional entities like CITC-EuraRFID, Picom or Maud. He is former auditor (2010-2011, Benoit Mandelbrot intake) of the Institut des Hautes Etudes pour la Science et la Technologies (IHEST).