Evangelos Kranakis
Chancellor's Professor
School of Computer Science
Carleton University
Ottawa, ON, Canada
Title: The Sound of Communication in Underwater Acoustic Sensor Networks
Abstract: the interdisciplinary understanding required for the design and analysis of underwater wireless sensor networks presents formidable constraints and challenges for computer scientists and engineers. However, underwater environments have never been much of a constraint to the rich animal life they support at all depths of our seas and oceans. Indeed, it has been known that nature has taken advantage of this environment to develop a rich variety of efficient communication strategies throughout the long history of evolutionary change and adaptation. The wealth of knowledge to be discovered will continue to dazzle and fascinate the world.
Employing acoustic signals for communication is the preferred choice for a network designer because underwater their energy propagation is the most efficient when compared to other forms, like thermal, light, and electromagnetic. It is within this "acoustic'' environment that researchers have to innovate and develop new ideas and methodologies so as to advance the state-of-the-art.
Several fundamental issues and connections are discussed which arise in the study of underwater wireless sensor networks. Throughout the nature of the underwater environment is emphasized and how one can take advantage of it. A variety of ideas and solutions that could be of value for further research are proposed and elaborated upon. Moreover, fundamental issues in topology control, opportunistic routing, directional antennae, ice coverage, and energy control are discussed.
Professor and Director
Telecommunications Research Lab
School of Computing & Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering
Queen’s University
Hossam Hassanein is a leading authority in the areas of broadband, wireless and mobile networks architecture, protocols, control and performance evaluation. His record spans more than 500 publications in journals, conferences and book chapters, in addition to numerous keynotes and plenary talks in flagship venues. Dr. Hassanein has received several recognitions and best papers awards at top international conferences. He is also the founder and director of the Telecommunications Research Lab (TRL) at Queen's University School of Computing, with extensive international academic and industrial collaborations. He is a former chair of the IEEE Communication Society Technical Committee on Ad hoc and Sensor Networks (TC AHSN). Dr. Hassanein is an IEEE Communications Society Distinguished Speaker and is a fellow of the IEEE.
Title: Big Sensed Data in the Internet of Things
Abstract: The Internet of Things (IoT) is opening new horizons in systems intelligence, where physical objects (embedded with sensory, identification and networking capabilities) can interact with other objects through the global infrastructure of wireless/wired Internet. These systems can be monitored and controlled by filtering and processing collected data. Such intelligent design will naturally result is efficient and cost effective systems. Several architectures are being built to implement IoT from two different perspectives. The rise of ad hoc sensors, and new manifestations of sensing systems within the Internet of Things resulted in a tide of sensed data that is potentially drowning our communication resources. In this talk I overview the evolution of sensing systems as they contributed to Big Data, and outline the rising challenges in both communicating and understanding this data. I argue that a solution lies not in sensing systems alone, but in the expedited funneling and processing of data as we attempt to prune the unnecessary, and make sense of the valuable. The quest for energy efficiency that dominated Sensor Networks for so long, is now matched with a more pressing demand for ubiquity and real-time latency.