Relative Localization for Small Wireless Sensor Networks
Zhou, Yifeng (Communications Research Centre Canada); Wong, Franklin (Defence R&D Canada)
Cooperative On-the-Fly Decision Making in Mobility-Controlled Multi Ferry Delay Tolerant Networks
Harounabadi, Mehdi (Ilmenau University of Technology); Rubina, Alina (Ilmenau University of Technology); Mitschele-Thiel, Andreas (Ilmenau University of Technology)
Performance Study of the IEEE 802.15.6 Slotted Aloha Mechanism With Power Control in a Multiuser Environment
Orozco, Luis
Performance Analysis for Traffic-aware Utility in Vehicular Ad Hoc Networks
Wang, Zhe (State Key Laboratory of Rail Traffic Control and Safety Beijing Jiaotong University); Zhong, Zhangdui (State Key Laboratory of Rail Traffic Control and Safety Beijing Jiaotong University); Ni, Minming (State Key Laboratory of Rail Traffic Control and Safety Beijing Jiaotong University); Hu, Miao (State Key Laboratory of Rail Traffic Control and Safety Beijing Jiaotong University)
Investigation and Adaptation of Signal Propagation Models for a Mixed Outdoor-Indoor Scenario Using a Flying GSM Base Station
Rubina, Alina ; Andryeyev, Oleksandr (Ilmenau University of Technology); Harounabadi, Mehdi (Ilmenau University of Technology); Al-Khani, Ammar (Ilmenau University of Technology); Artemenko, Oleksandr (Ilmenau University of Technology); Mitschele-Thiel, Andreas (Ilmenau University of Technology)
Intelligent Wireless AdHoc Routing Protocol and Controller for UAV Networks
Ramaprasath, Abhinandan (Carleton University); Srinivasan, Anand ; Lung, Chung-Horng (Carleton University); St-Hilaire, Marc (Carleton University)
Theoretical Analysis of Obstruction’s influence on Data Dissemination in Vehicular Networks
Hu, Miao (Beijing Jiaotong University); Zhong, Zhangdui (Beijing Jiaotong University); Ni, Minming (Beijing Jiaotong University); Wang, Zhe (Beijing Jiaotong University)
New Selection Strategies of Actor’s Substitute in DARA for Connectivity Restoration in WSANs
SAADA, Riadh (Phd Student); Pigné, Yoann (Assistant Professor); Olivier, Damien (Professor)
Improving the performance of challenged networks with controlled mobility
Reynaud, Laurent (Orange Labs); Guérin-Lassous, Isabelle (Université de Lyon / LIP (ENS Lyon, CNRS, UCBL, INRIA))
Resource Allocation for Relay-aided Cooperative Hospital Wireless Networks
Liu, Jingxian (Beijing Jiaotong University); Xiong, Ke (Beijing Jiaotong University); Zhang, Yu (University of Science and Technology Beijing); Zhong, zhangdui (Beijing Jiaotong University)
Asymmetric Multi-Way Ranging for Resource-Limited Nodes
Duisterwinkel, ErikH.A. (INCAS3); Puts, NielsA.H. (Eindhoven University of Technology); Woertche, HeinrichJ. (INCAS3)
Comparison of RPL Routing Metrics on grids
Lassouaoui, Lilia (Conservatoire National des Arts et Metiers); Rovedakis, Stephane (Conservatoire National des Arts et Metiers); Sailhan, Francoise (Conservatoire National des Arts et Metiers); Wei, Anne (Conservatoire National des Arts et Metiers)
Multipath Routing Optimization with Interference Consideration in Wireless Ad hoc Network
He, Junxiao (University of Ottawa); Yang, Oliver (University of Ottawa); Zhou, Yifeng (Communication Research Centre); Issa, Omneya (Communication Research Centre)
An Accurate Passive RFID Based Indoor Localization System Based on Sense-a-Tag and Zoning Algorithm
rostamian, majed (School of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, University of Ottawa, Canada); Wang, Jing (School of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, University of Ottawa, Canada); Bolic, Miodrag (School of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, University of Ottawa, Canada)
SDN Coordination for CCN and FC Content Dissemination in VANETs
Braun, Torsten ; Soua, Ridha (University of Luxembourg); Palattella, MariaRita (University of Luxembourg); Di Maio, Antonio (University of Luxembourg); Engel, Thomas (University of Luxembourg); Duarte, JoaoM. (University of Bern); Kalogeiton, Eirini (University of Bern); Manzo, Gaetano (HES-SO); Rizzo, Gianluca (HES-SO); Villas, Leandro (University of Campinas)
Optimizing Power Allocation in Wireless Networks: Are the Implicit Constraints Really Redundant?
Li, Xiuhua (The University of British Columbia); Leung, Victor C.M. (The University of British Columbia)
Towards Dynamic Capacity Management for the Masses
Vlachaki, Aikaterini (University of Alberta); Nikolaidis, Ioanis (University of Alberta); Harms, JanelleJ. (University of Alberta)
Distance Distributions in Finite Ad Hoc Networks: Approaches, Applications, and Directions
Tong, Fei (University of Victoria); Pan, Jianping (University of Victoria); Zhang, Ruonan (Northwestern Polytechnical University)
Towards More Realistic Network Simulations: Leveraging the System-Call Barrier
Naumann, Roman (Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin); Dietzel, Stefan (Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin); Scheuermann, Björn (Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin)
Communication and Coordination for Drone Networks
Yanmaz, Evsen (Lakeside Labs); Quaritsch, Markus (University of Klagenfurt); Yahyanejad, Saeed (Joanneum Research-Robotics); Rinner, Bernhard (University of Klagenfurt); Hellwagner, Hermann (University of Klagenfurt); Bettstetter, Christian (University of Klagenfurt)
Management of Surveillance Underwater Acoustic Networks
Barbeau, Michel (Carleton University); Renaud, Zach (Carleton University); Wang, Wenqian (Carleton University)
A Bandwidth Adaptation Scheme for Cloud Radio Access Networks
Chen, Yuh-Shyan (National Taipei University, Taipei, Taiwan, R. O. C.); Liao, Fang-Yu (National Taipei University, Taipei, Taiwan, R. O. C.); Kan, Yi-Kuang (National Taipei University, Taipei, Taiwan, R. O. C.)
Workshop on Airborne Networks and Communications
On Connectivity of Airborne Networks
Sen, Arunabha (Arizona State University)
Workshop on Convergence of Wireless Directional Network Systems and Software Defined Networking
Enabling Dynamic Reconfigurability of SDRs Using SDN Principles
Shome, Prithviraj (Texas A&M University); Modares, Jalil (University at Buffalo); Mastronarde, Nicholas (University at Buffalo); Sprintson, Alex (Texas A&M University)
Reliability, Throughput and Latency Analysis of an Aerial Network
Namuduri, Kamesh
Gender Assignment for Directional Full-Duplex FDD Nodes in a Multihop Wireless Network
Parsinia, Moein (Computational Science Research Center, San Diego State University); Peng, Qidi (Institute of Mathematical Sciences, Claremont Graduate University, California, USA); Bhowmick, Sanjukta (Computer Science Department, University of Nebraska at Omaha); Kumar, Sunil (Electrical and Computer Engineering Department, San Diego State University)
A Massive MIMO Panel Array at Ka-band with Flexible Patterns and Beam Steering Performance
Sharma, SatishKumar (San Diego State University); Krishna, Sandhya (San Diego State University)
Workshop on practical ad hoc network security and vulnerability
Communication Links Venerability Model for Cyber Security Mitigation
Hammad, Eman (University of Toronto); Farraj, Abdallah (University of Toronto); Kundur, Deepa (University of Toronto)
Entropy-Based Recommendation Trust Model for Machine to Machine Communications
Ahmed, Saneeha (University of Windsor); Tepe, Kemal (University of Windsor)
Secure Data Sharing for Vehicular Ad-hoc Networks Using Cloud Computing
Sookhak, Mehdi (Department of System and Computer Engineering, Carleton University, Ottawa, ON, Canada); Yu, F.Richard (Department of System and Computer Engineering, Carleton University, Ottawa, ON, Canada); Tang, Helen (Defence Research and Development Canada Ottawa, ON, Canada)
Distributed Collaborative Beamforming for Real-World WSN Applications
Zaidi, Sim (INRS-EMT); Hmidet, Bouthaina (INRS-EMT); Affes, Sofiene (INRS-EMT)
A Gateway Prototype for Coalition Tactical MANETs
Salmanian, Mazda (Defence R&D Canada); Pase, William (Armacode); Brown, J. David (Defence R&D Canada); McKenzie, Chris (MIC)
A Prototype Implementation of Continuous Authentication for Tactical Applications
Brown, David (DRDC); Pase, William (Armacode); McKenzie, Chris (MIC); Salmanian, Mazda (DRDC); Tang, Helen (DRDC)