AdHocNets 2016 Keynote Speakers
Professor Mohamed Ibnkahla
Cisco Research Chair in Sensor Technology for the Internet of Things
Department of Systems and Computer Engineering
Carleton University, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
Title: User-centric design of ad hoc and sensor networks for the Internet of Things.
Abstract: The Internet of Things (IoT) is expected to connect billions of objects and devices through global dynamic information exchange leading to diverse applications and services which will result in major cost savings, new revenues, and employee productivity enhancements.
Ad hoc and sensor networks constitute a fundamental part of IoT systems. However, real-world deployment and use of ad hoc and sensor networks in IoT systems is very challenging mainly because of the enormous amounts of generated data, large-scale deployment of sensors and devices, and heterogeneity of deployed technologies.
This keynote talk will address these challenges by focusing on end user involvement in the research and development cycle. End users can play a central role in the adoption and commercialization success of the technology by providing feedback during the design, development and test phases of the technology.
The talk will present state-of-the-art strategies for building ad hoc and sensor network architectures that are sustainable and capable of self-organization. Also, the talk will discuss dynamic learning and adaptation algorithms that are based on environment awareness and end user behavior. Several examples will be provided showing the impact of user-centric design on resource allocation, data computing load, user experience and overall IoT system performance.
Biography: Mohamed Ibnkahla is a Professor and Cisco Industrial Research Chair in Sensor Technology for the Internet of Things at the department of Systems and Computer Engineering, Carleton University (since September 2015). He obtained his Ph.D. degree from the National Polytechnic Institute of Toulouse (INP), France in 1996. Prior to joining Carleton, he has been a Professor at the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Queen’s University, Kingston, Canada. His research interests include Internet of Things (IoT), wireless sensor networks, adaptive signal processing, neural networks, wireless communications, and cognitive communications. He conducted several projects with industry and government applying IoT in many areas such as smart grid and energy management, water monitoring, environment monitoring, food traceability, intelligent transportation systems, smart homes, and smart cities.
He has published 6 books and more than 50 peer-reviewed journal papers and book chapters, 20 technical reports, and 100 conference papers. These publications include 3 invited papers in The Proceedings of the IEEE. In the past 8 years he gave more than 40 keynote talks, invited seminars and tutorials in various conferences and seminars.
Dr. Ibnkahla received the INP Leopold Escande Medal for the year 1997, France, for his research contributions to signal processing; the Premier’s Research Excellence Award (PREA), Ontario, in 2001, for his contributions in wireless mobile communications; and the Favourite Professor Award, Queen's University, in 2004. He is the joint holder of 5 Best Paper Awards.
Professor Hussein T. Mouftah
Canada Research Chair and Distinguished University Professor
School of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science
University of Ottawa, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
Title: Ad Hoc Networks Deployment in Smart Cities
Abstract: The transformation of our current cities into smarter cities will bring challenges in diverse areas such as the transportation system, the electricity system, and wearable systems, just to name a few. In smart cities, Information and Communication Technologies (ICT), and in particular Ad Hoc Networking, will play a vital role for providing services in the urban environment. These services include real time monitoring and reaction in time through wireless sensor and actuator networks. Smart Grids (SGs), Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS), Internet of Things (IoT), Electric Vehicles (EVs), and Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs) will be the building blocks of futuristic smart cities. Smart grid refers to the modernization of traditional power grid by incorporating two-way digital communication support at generation, transmission, and distribution level. Intelligent transportation system refers to making the vehicular traffic smarter by reducing congestion, optimized fuel consumption, shorter routes, and better safety, self-driving cars by using communication and sensing technologies. Internet of things refer to a world-wide network of interconnected objects uniquely addressable, yet infrastructure-less, based on standard communication protocols and allows people and things to be connected Anytime, Anyplace, with Anything and Anyone, ideally using Any path/network and Any service. IoT can be very useful for resource management in the context of smart cities. Wireless sensor networks are composed of sensor nodes capable of performing sensing and implementing M2M communications. All these technologies will help to build a smart city. In this presentation we will address technology trends with a focus on Ad Hoc Networks deployment in smart cities.
Biography: Hussein Mouftah received the BSc in Electrical Engineering and MSc in Computer Science from the University of Alexandria, Egypt, in 1969 and 1972, respectively, and the PhD in Electrical Engineering from Laval University, Canada, in 1975.
He joined the School of Information Technology and Engineering (now School of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science) of the University of Ottawa in 2002 as a Tier 1 Canada Research Chair Professor, where he became a Distinguished University Professor in 2006. He has been with the ECE Dept. at Queen's University (1979-2002), where he was prior to his departure a Full Professor and the Department Associate Head. He has six years of industrial experience mainly at Bell Northern Research of Ottawa (Nortel Networks). He served as Editor-in-Chief of the IEEE Communications Magazine (1995-97) and IEEE ComSoc Director of Magazines (1998-99), Chair of the Awards Committee (2002-03), Director of Education (2006-07), and Member of the Board of Governors (1997-99 and 2006-07). He has been a Distinguished Speaker of the IEEE Communications Society (2000-2007). He is the author or coauthor of 10 books, 72 book chapters and more than 1500 technical papers, 14 patents, 7 invention disclosures and 145 industrial reports. He is the joint holder of 21 Best/Outstanding Paper Awards. He has received numerous prestigious awards, such as the 2016 R.A. Fessenden Medal in Telecommunications Engineering of IEEE Canada, the 2016 Distinguished Technical Achievement Award of the IEEE Communications Society Technical Committee on Communications Switching and Routing, the 2015 IEEE Ottawa Section Outstanding Educator Award, the 2014 Engineering Institute of Canada K. Y. Lo Medal, the 2014 Technical Achievement Award of the IEEE Communications Society Technical Committee on Wireless Ad Hoc and Sensor Networks, the 2007 Royal Society of Canada Thomas W. Eadie Medal, the 2007–2008 University of Ottawa Award for Excellence in Research, the 2008 ORION Leadership Award of Merit, the 2006 IEEE Canada McNaughton Gold Medal, the 2006 EIC Julian Smith Medal, the 2004 IEEE ComSoc Edwin Howard Armstrong Achievement Award, the 2004 George S. Glinski Award for Excellence in Research of the University of Ottawa Faculty of Engineering, the 1989 Engineering Medal for Research and Development of the Association of Professional Engineers of Ontario, and the Ontario Distinguished Researcher Award of the Ontario Innovation Trust.
Dr. Mouftah is a Fellow of the IEEE (1990), the Canadian Academy of Engineering (2003), the Engineering Institute of Canada (2005) and the Royal Society of Canada RSC Academy of Science (2008).